Like many of us today, the Thessalonian believers struggled with uncertainty about the details of their future and the future of those they loved. While their questions may not be the same as ours (or maybe they are), just like us, they had been given the Truth yet found themselves plagued with concerns or maybe misunderstandings of what was to come.
As I read my daily Bible reading in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-5:11, I thought —goodness, what is wrong with these people?
Why were they asking questions they didn’t even need an answer to?
I mean —geez, they had the privilege of being taught by the Apostle Paul, Timothy, and others, yet they were filled with doubts and concerns over things they had no control over.
I’m not saying that they were wrong to ask questions or want clarity regarding the details of Christ's return; I’m just saying that if their hope was in Christ and their assurance and trust were based on their belief in the Gospel message and the promise of Christ’s return, should the answer to how and when Jesus returns have such an impact on their daily lives?
Surely, I would never worry about something I had no control over —right????
I bet you wouldn’t either.
As Christians and those who trust in God's sovereignty, I’m certain we would never waste our time or energy grappling over the what, when, and how of our futures.
We wouldn’t attempt to micromanage every single moment to prevent mishaps or ensure victories.
In an attempt at full disclosure, I have failed in ways similar to the Thessalonians. They were being confused by false teachers, and many times, I, too, have searched for truth, wisdom, and guidance from the wrong people.
The Thessalonians were worried about future events, which deterred them from daily obedience to the Gospel. Me too! I have walked the path of doubt and fear when all my questions remained unanswered.
I think most of us would agree that such questions can arise easily, especially when faced with loss or fear. We believe that our pain deserves an explanation. But what if we are wasting the gift of today by asking questions that we really don’t need an answer to? Or even worse, what if we attempt to answer questions that aren’t ours to answer?
I recently watched someone who I love dearly walk through the grief and heartache of an unexpected loss. A loss that I’m sure no one or nothing could have prepared her for. One which I’m certain would have most likely caused me to crumble, fall apart, and stay there to wallow forever in the millions of shattered pieces of my heart.
Was her heart shattered? I would take a guess and say 100%, yes, it was. Is it still? Again, my guess would certainly be yes. Will it feel this way for the rest of her life? Well, that one I can’t answer because the time limits of “the rest of her life” are not for me to know or decide.
What I do know is that she is walking through grief, but she is doing so with the hope and assurance of Jesus, the Gospel message, and the promise of His return. The lens in which she has always viewed her purpose in the light of eternity was not shattered or clouded by the river of tears and questions yet to be unanswered. It would have even been understandable to most if she had lashed out in grief and sank under the weight of a broken heart.
Is she grieving? Yes! Does she feel like a broken version of her former self? Possibly! But even in all the parts of the story that most would wish to rewrite, she is standing firm in her faith and trusting the only One who is able and worthy of holding the pencil. He is her comfort, and He is the One who yesterday, today, tomorrow, and all the days to come has and will continue to sustain her and give her hope, peace, and joy in the midst of it all.
I’m encouraged by those who live out the happy and sad moments of their lives not in limbo, but in the LIGHT! I’m thankful to be a witness to their testimony during seasons of want and seasons of plenty. And personally —from the bottom of my heart, it is because of their steadfast devotion to Jesus, one step at a time, that my life has been changed in the best possible ways. This precious person, along with many others, has impacted my life in ways that I am forever grateful for. Their lives are true evidence of their faith and their faith is contagious to all they meet.
I wonder how many worrisome moments could be avoided if we stopped asking why and just chose to trust in the goodness of The Almighty God. And what if, in the moments when we can’t find or don’t understand the answer given, we stop trying to explain it and choose to accept it because it’s working for something greater? And what if we viewed every single moment of our pain and “misfortunes” as an opportunity to put Christ on display? What if we stopped looking for the temporary fulfillment of this life and just rested on His promises that give us hope—for now and for eternity?
It’s pretty incredible how powerful a shift in perspective is!
Yes, life is hard and often complicated, partly because we make it and partly because of the effects of sin. But just as Paul reminds the Thessalonians to base their thoughts, actions, and entire lives on the fundamental truths of the Gospel message that Jesus brings —I pray that we, as Believers and Followers of Jesus, do the same.
While we may not have all the answers, let us remember to:
Live with the hope of Christ's return, and allow that hope to transform us from the inside out.
Rest on His Eternal Promises.
Consider what we are hoping for today. Are those hopes grounded in the temporary pleasures and desires of life or are they anchored in the eternal truth of Christ?
Reflect on and evaluate truthfully the current state of your heart. Is it planted in the assurance and hope of the Gospel, or is it plagued with the fear of uncertainties?
Tomorrow may be filled with bright rays of sunshine or endless downpours of rain. I can’t predict or explain that any more than the weather app on my phone. But what good would it do to question the why? On this earth, we are limited and will never have all of the answers to our questions, but that’s okay because God does. He knows exactly what His children need, and He has revealed to us all that we need to live faithful and obedient lives, all for His honor and glory.
You see —it’s not really about us. The best part of us isn’t us at all —the best part of us is Him in us!
Joyfully HIS,
Jennifer N. Pearson