Before we begin our study through any book of the Bible, let’s examine the background and context of James so that we can read and study from an accurate perspective. Enjoy, and feel free to reach out if you have any questions.
What is the big picture of James?
We will all face struggles, testing, trials, and difficulties in this life, but God can use these to grow us in our faith.
What is the Why behind James?
The original audience it was written to: To address the struggles of the congregations of the Christian Jews and to examine the importance of their faith in the city they live in.
To all Christians then and now: To encourage believers to assess, evaluate, and consider what their actions and attitudes reveal about their faith and how they live it out in the world.
What is the Style and Structure of James?
Epistle: James is considered a general letter/epistle because it was not written to one specific audience but to multiple audiences.
What are the central topics and ideas covered in James?
Testing & Suffering
Faith & Action
Wealth & Poverty
The Power in Words
Living in Harmony & Peace
Who is the Writer of James?
James (The New Testament mentions three possible individuals named James who could be the author)
*James, the son of Zebedee, brother of John:
He was not likely the author because he was martyred in AD 44, which would have been too early for this letter.
*James, the son of Alphaeus:
One of the Twelve Apostles.
*James, "the Lord’s brother":
This is most notable “James” in the early church
Which would lead me to this being the author of James***
Who Were the Original Readers?
Jewish Christians, The "12 Tribes" (James 1:1).
What was their location & circumstances?
Probably located outside of Palestine. These Jewish Christians were dealing with persecution and oppression by way of Trials, Living in poverty, and being mistreated by the wealthy; they were not living in a way that displayed their faith in areas such as Worldliness, Being indifferent to the poor, Fighting/arguing, Being tempted to make friends with the world, Being Arrogant.
When was James Written?
Most likely between AD 44-47.
What is the Structure & Flow of James
Introduction (James 1:1-2)
Trials and Christian Maturity (James 1:3-18)
True Christianity Seen in Its Works (James 1:19-2:26)
Dissensions within the Community (James 3:1-4:12)
Implications of a Christian Worldview (James 4:13-5:11)
Concluding Exhortations (James 5:12-20)
The Letter of James encourages Christians to live faithfully in all circumstances because it is in these moments that God strengthens us and molds us more into His image. Each of us is either coming out of a struggle, in the middle of one, or awaiting one we are not even aware of yet, but no matter the trial, God is in charge of all, and His plan will not fail. Our actions in all of life’s moments reveal what our hearts are truly trusting in. I pray that this study encourages you. If you would like to receive daily study notes, devotions, and reflections on each day of the Finding Joy in August Bible Reading Plan, Subscribe below and join our premium community.